Not many people have the opportunity to have their dad as their coach. (can be good/ can be bad) Throughout my sports career I have had many different coaches, good and bad. My dad has by far been the BEST coach that I have ever had and I am not just saying that because he is my dad. He is great at what he does. I believe his career began when he wrestled in college; he would never say it but he is extremely strong and works really hard at whatever he is doing. I wasn’t born at this time but I believe that my dad was the same encourager and motivator back then that he is now. When he began teaching he was a football coach and a wrestling coach. He then resigned his wrestling coaching career after about 12 years of coaching because he was missing so many of mine and my sister’s games and activities. Currently he is a football coach, weight coach, and soccer coach. He only recently began coaching soccer because that is what my sister and I love. He has always said and I believe it when he says it, “If you can coach you can coach anything.” He is a great example to all of his athletes. I can get so mad at him sometimes (like we all would with the pressure of being a coach's kid), but I am always thankful at the end of the day when the work is done. He leads like the man of God that he is. He is encouraging. He is compassionate. AND He is constantly telling us to, “Act like somebody.” Reminding us that there are not many things left in the world that make us tougher. Athletics is one thing that you have to be tough to do, and toughness and working hard will one day make us... "Good Americans," "good employees," ”“good wives," "good mothers," and "good citizens." Without him I would not be the person that I am today. He has taught me so much about life and has set the best example of what a man of God looks like. Oh yeah… and thank goodness that he is a patient man and very laid back. I can be pretty stubborn sometimes (all the time) and very high strung so without his patience and his laid back attitude, I don’t know how we would make it without butting heads as much time as we spend together at the gym or on the soccer field. P.S. He will probably me a little mad at me for putting a pic on here of us:))
Bench, Squat, and Clean
8 @ 65% of 1rm
8 @ 70% of 1rm
6 @ 75% of 1rm
This week we did not work off of time in the finishers.
There were 3 stations with 3 different workouts at each station.
Station 1:
20 bench dips
20 db bench
20 curls
Station 2:
15 straight leg dead lifts
15 burpees
Wall-to-wall farmer's walk
Station 3:
20 modified pull-ups
20 goblet squats
20 step-ups
My devotion tonight talks about social media. Social media paints a different picture than reality - nobody’s life is ever that perfect - so we often use it to cover up our flaws and insecurities. I loved this devotion because it is so very true and can relate to so many people. Both of my parents have told me tons of times that “the number of likes you get does not determine your self worth.” THIS COULD NOT BE MORE TRUE!!! You are worthy. Each and everyone of you. You get 350 likes… you are worthy. Your only get 4 likes… you are worthy. Jesus Christ the maker of the universe, the one who died for you and me says you are worthy. Wow!!! Let that sink in. Wait, you mean after all the sins I have committed I am still worthy? Yes. As in Colossians 1:17-18, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.” Keep God supreme over everything in your life, and use your social media to give him glory no matter how many likes you get.
