Monday, December 31, 2018


Snoozing through life. Snoozing through alarms in the morning. Snoozing through assignments. Snoozing through workouts. Snoozing through church. I was recently thinking about how many different alarms I set each morning to ensure that I get up; and how some mornings getting up can be really simple and other mornings it can be the biggest challenge of the day. One thing that I am intentionally going to work on is to stop hitting snooze in the morning. I believe that if my first decision of the day is to hit snooze and procrastinate getting up then how easy will it be for me to “snooze” on the different tasks I have at hand that day? If I am going to be successful during the day then I need to start out with zero procrastination so that I will not “snooze” on the rest of the day.  That is one of my goals in this new year, and I would love for you to also make a commitment to lose the snooze.


Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Filling your Cup
It can be so easy to get caught up in everything life, especially during the holidays.  Trust me I know that life can get all the kinds of crazy all the time.  But, I have realized how important it is to be consistently intentional each and every day. I often think and try to live today off of yesterday’s fulfillment. Sometimes I learn the hard way that it is not possible and I am not successful when I do this.  The water that I drank yesterday is not good enough to keep me hydrated today.   This is true in a literal sense and when talking out our spiritual lives. Relating it to the physical side of our lives; we cannot drink a gallon of water today and expect it to continually keep us hydrated tomorrow without drinking any more water.  We also cannot fill up our spiritual cups today and expect to reap benefits from it tomorrow.  We have to consistently be intentional to take time to fill ourselves up daily both physically and spiritually.  This time of year can be so crazy, but do not neglect your own self by pouring into everyone else’s cups when your own cup is empty.  Wake up each morning and pour into yourself so that you can better pour into others. If you love fitness or not, water is so necessary and so take the time to keep your body hydrated every day to stay well during this holiday season.  Also, do not lose sight of the reasons that we are celebrating this wonderful season and take the time to fill your spiritual cup each morning.  Without adequate hydration, our lives will not have what we need.  
