Thursday, January 26, 2017


We are currently training for a state weight meet and this is the end of my week #3 workouts.  So on top of having soccer practice every day I am working out on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:50 am.  I love my sleep and think that rest is a necessary part of your fitness journey.  Getting up at that time of the morning has been challenging but very rewarding.  The sun is not yet rising as I am on my way to the gym but I have enjoyed worshiping the Lord at such an early and peaceful hour of the morning.  What a great way to start your day praising our glorious God.  Once you make it to the gym you forget what time it is and can enjoy the workout and work hard.  Starting the day with a workout makes me feel better the entire day and I am way more likely to stick to healthy eating.  Also, your metabolism gets going and you will continue to burn calories all day long.  So whether your workout is in the morning, midday, or the afternoon I encourage you to get motivated.  It is so worth it and the days that you feel least motivated might turn out to be your best workouts.

Each workout starts with about a 10-minute dynamic warm-up and abs are done between the switch between squat, bench, and cleans.


Squat and Bench

6 @ 75% of 1rm

5 @ 80% of 1rm

3 @ 90% of 1rm


4 @ 80% of 1rm

3 @ 85% of 1rm

2 @ 90% of 1rm


After both workouts on Tuesday and Thursday we finished with what we call finishers.  Finishers are a great way to get your heart-rate up at the end a workout.  There were 3 stations with 4 exercises at each station. We do 15 sec-15 sec-15 sec- 15 sec x4 rounds=4 minutes x 3 stations= 12 minutes

Core to finish.

There are a variety of different finishers you can do and they are easy to mix up.  We just try to workout all major muscle groups.  Some of my favorite finishers are: Straight Leg Dead Lift (w/ dumbbell), Curls (w/ DB), Tricep Extensions (w/ bands), Ropes, and Wall Balls. There are tons of different exercises that you can use for finishers.  Since it is short time just make sure you are going hard and getting in tons of reps.

Blessings:  Along with my jams of Jesus music on the way to workout I enjoyed my nightly devotion.  Today the devotion I did was about resting on the Sabbath.  That can be something that is very hard to do sometimes.  In Isaiah 58:13-14, God's people had forgotten the focus of the Sabbath, and they were working and not trusting God to meet their needs.  God challenged them to delight in the Sabbath and He would give them joy and provision.  Since we rest in our spiritual lives we also need to rest in our physical lives.  Take rest days to focus on renewing your body for the upcoming workouts, just like we rest, trust, and worship on the Sabbath.


Sunday, January 22, 2017


Welcome to my new blog!!! I am very new at this but wanted to share my fitness and spiritual journey in hopes that it inspires someone.  I have grown up in a sports centered household with my dad being a football coach.  So, I have always participated in all the recreational league and travel sports until I was old enough to play school sports.  My dad is the strength coach for the football team so toward the end of my middle school years I began to work out.  I have also grown up in church  and my faith and walk with Christ is very important to me.  These are two things that I am extremely passionate about.  My goal is to share my workout tips and training ideas along with some encouraging words from my day.  I am nowhere perfect by any means, but I hope you enjoy this journey of my spiritual and fitness life.

Reps:Since today is Sunday it would technically be an off day for me, but since I was posting I wanted to share a quick workout using the heavy bag.  I am not a professional but working out on the heavy bag is something that is great to get your heart rate up on days you necessarily do not feel like lifting at the gym.  

Dynamic Warm-up: 5 min. jumping rope & 5 min. air squats, lunges, high knees, push ups, etc... (This is something that can be switched up... just do whatever gets your blood flowing and makes you break a sweat for the second 5 minutes of the warmup.  You do not want to just stretch before you begin because your muscles are cold.)Workout: 1 round= 10 seconds of alternating jabs (normal punching)10 seconds of light punches (just touching the bag) are you high knee in place10 seconds of all you've got (go as hard as you can)Rest 30 seconds after the round.

This is something that can be built on.  8 rounds is typically what I do no but, my goal is to ultimately work up to being able to do 30 seconds of each part of the round for 8 rounds.

Blessings: Today my devotional was about how God's plans prevail our plans.  When you are down and out and feel like you are never going to set a new personal record just remember that God set EVERYTHING into motion.  He made this universe and still wants to have a relationship with each and everyone of us.  Keep believing an trusting in Him. Your time in the gym will come just keep pushing yourself and working hard.   You may not make those gains on your timing, but I guarantee that you will make them on God's timing!