Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Hello it has been a while!! This summer has been super busy, but I am excited to be back to share about what all has been going on!!!  I have been trying to take full advantage of the time that I have had off, and I have been spending a lot of that time at the gym.  With just graduating high school I was nervous that I would fall out of touch with the gym.  I have to say it has been the complete opposite.  I have wanted to workout now more than I ever have and I am excited for this to continue as I am in college.  Working out is something that makes me happy and if there was a way that I could be in the gym everyday I would be there.  I have figured out that it is a great way to relieve stress and puts me in a better mood.  I am sad that it has taken me 19 years to figure this out, but I am excited for what is to come and how my love for fitness will grow. Since I will have a more flexible schedule in college I will be able to go to the gym more often so I am definitely looking forward to that and can’t wait to share this journey with you guys. I plan on getting back to posting once a week or so!! Stay tuned for the next blog to see how my first week of college and workouts went!!!

One workout that I have been enjoying is a curl latter.  Below is what I do.  You do whatever you can with less/more weight or less/more reps.  Challenge yourself!!!!!

25 w each arm using 10 lb dbs
15 w each arm using 15 lb dbs
10 w each arm using 20 lb dbs
10 w each arm using 20 lb dbs
15 w each arm using 15 lb dbs
25 w each arm using 10 lb dbs
