Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Hello it has been a while!! This summer has been super busy, but I am excited to be back to share about what all has been going on!!!  I have been trying to take full advantage of the time that I have had off, and I have been spending a lot of that time at the gym.  With just graduating high school I was nervous that I would fall out of touch with the gym.  I have to say it has been the complete opposite.  I have wanted to workout now more than I ever have and I am excited for this to continue as I am in college.  Working out is something that makes me happy and if there was a way that I could be in the gym everyday I would be there.  I have figured out that it is a great way to relieve stress and puts me in a better mood.  I am sad that it has taken me 19 years to figure this out, but I am excited for what is to come and how my love for fitness will grow. Since I will have a more flexible schedule in college I will be able to go to the gym more often so I am definitely looking forward to that and can’t wait to share this journey with you guys. I plan on getting back to posting once a week or so!! Stay tuned for the next blog to see how my first week of college and workouts went!!!

One workout that I have been enjoying is a curl latter.  Below is what I do.  You do whatever you can with less/more weight or less/more reps.  Challenge yourself!!!!!

25 w each arm using 10 lb dbs
15 w each arm using 15 lb dbs
10 w each arm using 20 lb dbs
10 w each arm using 20 lb dbs
15 w each arm using 15 lb dbs
25 w each arm using 10 lb dbs


Saturday, March 18, 2017


Last Saturday, March 11, 2017 was the state weight meet that I have been preparing for for many weeks. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! I did not know what to expect going into it, but it was a great experience.  
The way it worked…
We arrived about 8:30 when weigh-ins began.  After weigh-ins we had no clue how long it would be until we began, but we decided to warm-up.  We all wanted to keep our normal routine so we did the same warm-up that we do everyday before a workout.  We then were called out in groups of out starting weight (everyone when they weighed in had to choose a starting weight).  My coach stressed to all of us how important it is to get your first rep.  After you completed your first weight you were allowed to move up on weight.  If you got your second rep you could move up on weight again.  If the third lift was successfully completed then that was your final weight they took.  If you missed any rep you were not allowed to go down weight… you could try that same weight again or you could go up.  This applied for bench, squat, and clean.  My goal through all of this was to PR in all three lifts and I have to say that my goal was achieved.  I would have liked to have gotten some higher PRs but I went up so I was happy. Even though I will not be able to go to that wieght meet again, I am still working out to become stronger.  
Also, to brag on my team the girls team won 1st overall and my team as a whole (both girls and boys) won 1st overall. It was a great Saturday!!

Today we did a different type of workout.
Clean and press
Front squat

We did 11 stations and went through all the stations twice at 20 seconds per station. One of my favorite finishers is plank to pushups.

I have to get up early for workouts in the mornings but it has been a great time for quiet time.  I enjoy listening to Christian music on the way to the gym.  After attending the Passion 2017 Conference I became obsessed with their new album.  I love all the songs that they have and these are some of my favorites.
  • Holy Ground (feat. Melodie Malone)
  • Forgiven (feat. Crowder)
  • Heart Abandoned (feat. Kristian Stanfill)
  • Build my Life (feat. Brett Younker)

“Sing to the Lord a new song;
   sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, praise his name;
   proclaim his salvation day after day.”
Psalm 96:1-2


Sunday, March 5, 2017


Sometimes it is difficult to have CONFIDENCE in life--especially the weight room.  I have struggled with this lately.  In preparation for the state weight meet that I am competing in, I have caught myself lacking CONFIDENCE more than once.  I compare myself to others a lot when I need to be focused on my personal goals.  I have figured out over the last couple workouts how much of a mental game working out it.  So much of what gets done depends on the mental toughness that you have.  Telling yourself that you can do it and having that CONFIDENCE plays a vital role in the success that you will have.  It is much easier said than done but having CONFIDENCE in yourself and exercising your mental toughness will contribute more than anything to your personal gains in the weightroom.  So as (WE) workout this coming week let’s (ALL) work on the CONFIDENCE that we have on the gym and becoming mentally tougher.  

Bench, Squat, Clean

10 @ 50% or 1rm

5 @ 75% of 1rm
4 @ 80% of 1rm
4 @ 80% of 1rm
1 @ 90% of 1rm

5 exercises:
Tricep Extensions
*15 seconds at each exercise and go through the circuit 4 times.  

Confidence.  Confidence in life.  Confidence in faith. Confidence in the weightroom.  Confidence in relationships.  Confidence.
Ephesians 3:12 says,In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.” Let us approach God with confidence this week. I pray that we can all be confident enough not to feel inferior to others but to know that we are good enough in God’s eyes.  Go about your confidence humbly though.  In James 4:10 it says,  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”  So I pray for confidence within.  That I can be confident in life but remember that I am nothing without God so I need to stay humble in the process of improving my confidence.

Monday, February 27, 2017


My soccer season has just began, but we have not stopped working out.  The first day that I had a game I was a little nervous about going so hard at workouts that morning and then having a game that afternoon.  But I did my workout just like normal just to see how it went at the game and determine if maybe next time I needed to lower the percentages of my reps.  I was relieved that working out in the morning DID NOT affect the way that I performed on the soccer field.  I believe that it is beneficial to not alter your workout routine due to a game that you may have in the afternoon.  Keep it consistent.  You may want to lower your percentage or reduce the number of reps or sets but definitely keep your workout routine constant.  Working out has changed my game of soccer.   Many high school athletes do not buy into the fact that strength training can drastically change the game you play and take you to the next level. (I am living proof of that). As my dad has always told me, “You can never be too strong, too fast, or too athletic!”  The workout regiments that are done in the gym: from bounding, doing latters, calisthenics, or doing abs, all play a role in making you a better player.  When I first began to play soccer I was below average, and I was not where I needed to be to compete.  Working out has changed my game.  I am not saying that I am the best because by no means I am not. I still have to work to compete but working out has allowed me many more athletic opportunities that I might other wise have missed out on.  I am just saying that without strength training I would still be that young player that could not change directions quickly or that struggled to keep up with faster players on the team. Working out has not only makes you physically stronger but mentally stronger too. Now, I LOVE working out and will never go back to the girl that I used to be.   

Bench and Squat

10 @ 65% or 1rm
8 @ 70% of 1rm
6 @ 75% of 1rm

5 @ 75% of 1rm
5 @ 75% of 1rm
5 @ 75% of 1rm

Station 1:
Modified Pull-ups
Lateral front and side raises

Station 2:
Straight leg dead-lift
Goblet squat

Station 3:
Bench dips
*Do each exercise for reps of 10 and then switch exercises. Go through each exercise at the station 3 times and then change stations.  

Spiritual gifts. Each and everyone has been gifted with something.  Whether it is, making conversation with people, being a prayer warrior, working out, making people feel included, or many other things.  Spiritual gifts are not all physical things, and spiritual gifts can be trained and improved. As we mature as christians we can see that in every aspect of our life we have been gifted with some type of ability.  It is important for us to recognize those gifts and use them for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God and for the Glory of God.  God has given us the most important gift of all- the gift of eternal life.  We have to accept this gift so that we can get to truly know God forever.  God did not send Jesus to die on the cross so that we could kind of get to know Him.  He sent His son so we could open the gift of eternal life and have a relationship with Him.  My prayer is that we use our spiritual gifts to deepen our relationship with God.  


Thursday, February 16, 2017


Top 5 essential workout items that I LOVE:
    • I LOVE amino acids.  They come in different flavors, but my favorite is grape.  I drink them in my water during workouts and it helps tremendously with soreness the next day.

    • My hands get torn up pretty bad when I am cleaning, doing pull ups, etc… so I like to have gloves because who wants to have manly hands… NOT ME

    • My blender bottle is great for blending powders into water especially my amino acids!!!

    • I have some wireless headphones that I LOVE! They are great to use when I am doing a workout on the heavy bag or running.  Most of the time when I am in the gym I have a speaker blaring. So, I don’t use headphones, but other people might need them(:

    • These under armour shorts are amazing! They come in all different colors and are seriously so comfortable. They are by far the best shorts that I have found!!!

These 5 things are just some of my essentials that I LOVE!!!

Click the links if you are interested in trying out some of my favorite things!!! Who knows they might turn out to be your favorite too!!!

Bench and Squat
5 @ 75% of 1rm
5 @ 75% of 1rm
5 @ 75% of 1rm

4@ 80% of 1rm
4 @ 85% of 1rm
4 @ 85% of 1rm

Bench Dips
Modified Pull-ups
20 seconds a station till you go through all exercises 4 times. Finish with abs of any kind.

This week I wanted to talk about LOVE.  God’s unconditional LOVE.  This is very fitting because Valentine’s day was this week! This is a holiday that some people LOVE and some people hate.  Whether you are single or in a relationship it is important to remember the LOVE that God has for us.  God sent Jesus to die for our sins so that we can have a relationship with Him.  Don’t feel lonely in this Valentine’s season. Remember the relationship that you can have with our Lord and Savior and how much He LOVES us and wants that true relationship with us.  
Exodus 34:6 “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in LOVE and faithfulness, maintaining LOVE to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.  

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Not many people have the opportunity to have their dad as their coach. (can be good/ can be bad)  Throughout my sports career I have had many different coaches, good and bad.  My dad has by far been the BEST coach that I have ever had and I am not just saying that because he is my dad.  He is great at what he does.  I believe his career began when he wrestled in college; he would never say it but he is extremely strong and works really hard at whatever he is doing.  I wasn’t born at this time but I believe that my dad was the same encourager and motivator back then that he is now.  When he began teaching he was a football coach and a wrestling coach.  He then resigned his wrestling coaching career after about 12 years of coaching because he was missing so many of mine and my sister’s games and activities.  Currently he is a football coach, weight coach, and soccer coach. He only recently began coaching soccer because that is what my sister and I love.  He has always said and I believe it when he says it, “If you can coach you can coach anything.”  He is a great example to all of his athletes.  I can get so mad at him sometimes (like we all would with the pressure of being a coach's kid), but I am always thankful at the end of the day when the work is done.  He leads like the man of God that he is. He is encouraging.  He is compassionate. AND  He is constantly telling us to, “Act like somebody.”  Reminding us that there are not many things left in the world that make us tougher.  Athletics is one thing that you have to be tough to do, and toughness and working hard will one day make us... "Good Americans," "good employees," ”“good wives," "good mothers," and "good citizens." Without him I would not be the person that I am today.  He has taught me so much about life and has set the best example of what a man of God looks like.  Oh yeah… and thank goodness that he is a patient man and very laid back.  I can be pretty stubborn sometimes (all the time) and very high strung so without his patience and his laid back attitude, I don’t know how we would make it without butting heads as much time as we spend together at the gym or on the soccer field. P.S. He will probably me a little mad at me for putting a pic on here of us:))

Bench, Squat, and Clean
8 @ 65% of 1rm
8 @ 70% of 1rm
6 @ 75% of 1rm

This week we did not work off of time in the finishers.  
There were 3 stations with 3 different workouts at each station.

Station 1:
20 bench dips
20 db bench
20 curls

Station 2:
15 straight leg dead lifts
15 burpees
Wall-to-wall farmer's walk

Station 3:
20 modified pull-ups
20 goblet squats
20 step-ups


My devotion tonight talks about social media.  Social media paints a different picture than reality - nobody’s life is ever that perfect - so we often use it to cover up our flaws and insecurities.  I loved this devotion because it is so very true and can relate to so many people.  Both of my parents have told me tons of times that “the number of likes you get does not determine your self worth.” THIS COULD NOT BE MORE TRUE!!!  You are worthy. Each and everyone of you. You get 350 likes… you are worthy. Your only get 4 likes… you are worthy.  Jesus Christ the maker of the universe, the one who died for you and me says you are worthy.  Wow!!!  Let that sink in.  Wait, you mean after all the sins I have committed I am still worthy? Yes.  As in Colossians 1:17-18, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.  And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.”  Keep God supreme over everything in your life, and use your social media to give him glory no matter how many likes you get.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Oh how I love the atmosphere of being in the gym in the EARLY mornings with a great group of girls who all are chasing after the same goal.  The gym.  It's old school.  The coaches are old school.  The showers are cold, but we are on fire...even at 5:50 in the morning.  The group that I workout with is a mixture of a couple of different sports teams; from soccer players to cheerleaders to softball players...we all become one team. For the record, the workouts are not mandatory.  This is an option for all of us.  We are not required by our coaches to participate and train for this weight meet.  We are all self-motivated.  Having a good, strong support group and people who will push you and hold you accountable is very important because it is not always easy or fun to get up at and be at the gym by 5:50 in the morning before school.  We all have the same partner that we workout with every time but our groups of partners change when we need bigger groups to do finishers.  It is nice to have that one partner (shoutout to MY weight partner, MHI) that is always the same and then a different group of girls every time.  Your partner needs to be someone that is around the same weight as you because when you work off percentages of your max you don’t want to have to be changing a bunch of weight in between reps.  Rely on your workout partner to push you and encourage you and be an encourager to them in return.

Bench and Squat
8 @ 75% of 1rm
6 @ 80% of 1rm
5 @ 85% of 1rm

4 @ 80% of 1rm
4 @ 80% of 1rm
4 @ 85% of 1rm

3 stations with 4 workouts at each station.
Station 1:
  • Modified pull-ups
  • Calf Raises
  • Glute Hams or Straight Leg Dead Lift
  • Weighted Step-ups
Station 2:
  • Curls (with bar)
  • Bench Dips
  • Dumbbell Bench
  • Ball Slams
Station 3:
  • Abs
  • Ab roll outs
  • Obliques with dumbbells
  • Plank to push-up

Blessings: Jesus died for us and has given us way more than we will ever deserve, and often that will slip out of our brain.  We are sinners and are deserving of nothing yet God continually blesses us and provides.  Having the opportunity to workout and get stronger is such a blessing.  I pray that I can use my passion for working out as a platform for Jesus.  Even on bad days at the gym when you don’t get all your reps, or you just don’t feel like you can do it… remember that God said in Habakkuk 3:19 “The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.”  Use the Lord as your strength and tread on the heights in your upcoming workouts.  You might be amazed at what you can do in the weight room or just in life by believing this.  
My awesome workout group after a morning workout! What a great group!!!