Monday, June 18, 2018


Just the other day I was driving down the road. I do a good bit of driving and I enjoy it because it is such a great time to think.  Real life moment really quick… here lately I have been a roller coaster with the nutrition side of my life.  My workouts have been pretty consistent but I will eat really great and healthy one day and then the next day I fall off the wagon. Vegetables, ice cream, vegetables, ice cream… ha.  It has been on my mind a lot and to be really honest I have been thinking about it TOOO much.  Obsessing over the fact that I need to get back to eating right.  So, as I was driving I was just thinking about why I’m inconstant lately and what I could do to get back on track full force. I then thought to myself…  “Why do the setbacks we have, have to be a negative thing?”

At this point you are all probably wondering how something not going as planned, falling down, or taking 10 steps back can be positive. 

Let me just tell you…
When we as humans fail or take 2 steps backwards with anything we automatically think of that set back as a negative thing.  Let me be the first to tell you. In my life those halts in progress, times we fall down, or times that we are pulled back are all opportunities for us to be sent forward with more motivation and drive than ever.  I like to compare it to a sling shot.  That slingshot has to be pulled back in order for it to be propelled forward to its destination.  So, in life let’s look at these sets backs as power and ammunition for us to be propelled forward toward the destination that we are trying to reach.  The destination that we have our slingshot headed towards may not be where it actually lands.  So, we have to trust that God propels us toward the area that we are meant to be.  Even though it may not be where WE thought we were supposed to land it is where HE sees the most potential for us.   So, looking at our lives as a rock in a slingshot truly makes sense.  Whether you make a bad grade on an assignment, don’t read your Bible for a couple of days, miss a workout (or two), or eat dessert for every meal one day… all of these are examples that we consider “failures” when they truly are not.  Let us all change the negative mindset we have, and let these so called “failures” be what launches us into the many endeavors we all are trying to accomplish. 
