Monday, December 31, 2018


Snoozing through life. Snoozing through alarms in the morning. Snoozing through assignments. Snoozing through workouts. Snoozing through church. I was recently thinking about how many different alarms I set each morning to ensure that I get up; and how some mornings getting up can be really simple and other mornings it can be the biggest challenge of the day. One thing that I am intentionally going to work on is to stop hitting snooze in the morning. I believe that if my first decision of the day is to hit snooze and procrastinate getting up then how easy will it be for me to “snooze” on the different tasks I have at hand that day? If I am going to be successful during the day then I need to start out with zero procrastination so that I will not “snooze” on the rest of the day.  That is one of my goals in this new year, and I would love for you to also make a commitment to lose the snooze.


Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Filling your Cup
It can be so easy to get caught up in everything life, especially during the holidays.  Trust me I know that life can get all the kinds of crazy all the time.  But, I have realized how important it is to be consistently intentional each and every day. I often think and try to live today off of yesterday’s fulfillment. Sometimes I learn the hard way that it is not possible and I am not successful when I do this.  The water that I drank yesterday is not good enough to keep me hydrated today.   This is true in a literal sense and when talking out our spiritual lives. Relating it to the physical side of our lives; we cannot drink a gallon of water today and expect it to continually keep us hydrated tomorrow without drinking any more water.  We also cannot fill up our spiritual cups today and expect to reap benefits from it tomorrow.  We have to consistently be intentional to take time to fill ourselves up daily both physically and spiritually.  This time of year can be so crazy, but do not neglect your own self by pouring into everyone else’s cups when your own cup is empty.  Wake up each morning and pour into yourself so that you can better pour into others. If you love fitness or not, water is so necessary and so take the time to keep your body hydrated every day to stay well during this holiday season.  Also, do not lose sight of the reasons that we are celebrating this wonderful season and take the time to fill your spiritual cup each morning.  Without adequate hydration, our lives will not have what we need.  


Friday, August 31, 2018


Why be strong?
There is so much more to strength than just physical strength.  Going to the gym is something that I do DAILY.  But, one thing I have learned over this extended period of time spent at the gym is that I not only need to focus on working out my physical body but constantly being intentional about working out my mental body as well.  It is just as important, if not more important to me.  Within the first couple of years that I worked out I didn’t realize the many different benefits that I was reaping from being active and working out. Within the past 2 years I have really grasped the concept that I don’t only go to the gym to get stronger physically, and it has been a game changer in my day to day life.  One specific instance that comes to mind occurred last week.  I had a day last week I was just in a bad mood. Nothing in particular seemed to stand out as to why I was in a bad mood, but nothing seemed to be going my way.  I was bound and determined that I was going to go to the gym though.  Let me tell you all… that workout was the best workout that I have had probably all summer.   Not only was I physically exhausted afterwards, but it cleared my mind of all distractions and negative thoughts that were consuming it.  See for me working out is such a passion but it also goes so much deeper than that.  It is an outlet for me to de-stress, clear my mind, reflect on things I am learning, relax, and take a break.  I work out to be a strong woman, a strong friend, a strong Christian, a strong sister, a strong worker, a strong daughter, a strong student, a strong leader, and a strong, good American.  You know many people may not look at working out as a way to relax or take a break, but I do and I know some of you all do,
 too. So, whatever relaxes you or helps you clear your mind… do more of THAT because you deserve it. Put positive into your body to see positive results come out.   Take that time for yourself and watch your happiness grow.  There are so many distractions and voices within the world that are fighting for attention from us, either good or bad.  It is so rejuvenating for the body to take that time for yourself and to take a step back from everything that the world is forcing upon us or that is being demanded of us to recharge our batteries. 

Monday, June 18, 2018


Just the other day I was driving down the road. I do a good bit of driving and I enjoy it because it is such a great time to think.  Real life moment really quick… here lately I have been a roller coaster with the nutrition side of my life.  My workouts have been pretty consistent but I will eat really great and healthy one day and then the next day I fall off the wagon. Vegetables, ice cream, vegetables, ice cream… ha.  It has been on my mind a lot and to be really honest I have been thinking about it TOOO much.  Obsessing over the fact that I need to get back to eating right.  So, as I was driving I was just thinking about why I’m inconstant lately and what I could do to get back on track full force. I then thought to myself…  “Why do the setbacks we have, have to be a negative thing?”

At this point you are all probably wondering how something not going as planned, falling down, or taking 10 steps back can be positive. 

Let me just tell you…
When we as humans fail or take 2 steps backwards with anything we automatically think of that set back as a negative thing.  Let me be the first to tell you. In my life those halts in progress, times we fall down, or times that we are pulled back are all opportunities for us to be sent forward with more motivation and drive than ever.  I like to compare it to a sling shot.  That slingshot has to be pulled back in order for it to be propelled forward to its destination.  So, in life let’s look at these sets backs as power and ammunition for us to be propelled forward toward the destination that we are trying to reach.  The destination that we have our slingshot headed towards may not be where it actually lands.  So, we have to trust that God propels us toward the area that we are meant to be.  Even though it may not be where WE thought we were supposed to land it is where HE sees the most potential for us.   So, looking at our lives as a rock in a slingshot truly makes sense.  Whether you make a bad grade on an assignment, don’t read your Bible for a couple of days, miss a workout (or two), or eat dessert for every meal one day… all of these are examples that we consider “failures” when they truly are not.  Let us all change the negative mindset we have, and let these so called “failures” be what launches us into the many endeavors we all are trying to accomplish. 


Thursday, April 5, 2018


What is your reason?
What is the REASON that you make it a priority to go to the gym every day?  What is your REASON that you choose a healthy snack instead of an unhealthy one?  What is your REASON that you wake up 15 minutes early to do some daily Bible reading?  What is your REASON to make your bed in the morning?  What is your REASON?

Have you ever thought about the reason behind the things that we do?  If you sit down and think about it some kind of motive is behind everything that we do, and that can be positive or negative.  A year ago, when I started this blog my REASON behind it all was to share my journey and hopefully inspire someone along the way.   I wanted to impact lives the way that I have seen my father do my entire life.  He has been one of the many REASONS that I took a chance and began this journey.  As most of you probably don’t know he is an educator and coach.  He has the opportunity to be around hundreds of children and young adults daily and he never misses the opportunity to be a light to them or to impact their life in some form or fashion.  He has taught me about positive self-talk, to never quit, that being tough doesn’t come easy, and that anything worth having is worth working for; his encouragement and constant support has led me and molded me into who I am today!  He has taught me the REASON behind being intentional in all I do and if you are going to do something give that something 100%.  I could simply talk to you all day about how great of a person he is but we don’t have time for that. If you get anything from this it is sit back and evaluate what is the REASON behind the decisions you make.  Are your actions fueled by positive motives?  I know mine always aren’t but we all can start somewhere and there is always room for improvement! 

I wanted to share this message about REASON and about my dad because today is his birthday and what better way to wish him a happy birthday than to share a message with you all that he has shown me my entire life. So, happy birthday, daddy! (Side note: My mom is fabulous too, it’s just not your birthday yet… haha)


Monday, April 2, 2018


This is something new and I have never shared a recipe before so y’all will have to let me know if this is something that y’all want to see more of. 

Anyway, I was at the grocery store the other day, and I don’t know about you all but I love when I have time and can actually look instead of being rushed.  So, as I was looking I was thinking about a healthy dinner that I could cook that night.  Well, I picked up a package of zucchini noodles and there was a recipe for them on the side so I decided to use it. SO SHOUTOUT TO VEGGIE NOODLE COMPANY FOR THIS AWESOME RECIPE!!!!
So, the ingredients needed are:
  • ·      2 minced garlic cloves
  • ·      ½ cup of diced onions
  • ·      1TSP of olive oil
  • ·      2.5 cups of kale
  • ·      ½ grated parmesan cheese (that I did not use)
  • ·      ¼ TSP of red pepper flakes

First, over medium/high heat cook garlic, onions, olive oil, kale, and red pepper flakes.  I sautéed these until the onions were golden brown (be careful not to burn garlic), and until the kale had been cooked down(till its wilted looking). Then, add the zucchini noodles and cook until they are al dente.  Add ½ the cheese if you choose to use it, but save the other ½ of the cheese for when it is finished cooking right before eaten!  Finally, ENJOY!

One reason I love to substitute zucchini noodles (or any veggie noodle) or use spaghetti squash is because it is a much healthier option and a way to eat equally delicious food with way less calories.


Saturday, March 17, 2018


Today I wanted to share my top 5, holy grail, couldn’t live without workout items!!!!  These 5 things are a good starting place if you are wanting to get started going to the gym.  By no means do you need the exact brand I have.  There are a ton of different brands that are just as effective… these are just my personal preference.

1. Headphones
I currently use the Wireless Powerbeats 3 and I love them!  They are great to block out all distractions and even though they are on the pricier side I highly recommend splurging!

2. Tennis Shoes
I don’t know about you all but through the years I have tried many different brands of shoes. I have to say I have found two that I can say are my favorite.  I have two because when lifting weights, I like to have a flatter shoe that doesn’t necessarily have much support, but when I am doing cardio I like to have something that is very light and has lots of support.  I like to lift weights in Reebok shoes (I really love the Nano 8 CrossFit shoes) and I love to run in Asics (Asics Fuzex Lyte 2). 

 3. Water Bottle
Blender bottles are my go to water bottle.  I use Amino Acids as a pre-workout and to help with soreness and so the blender bottle is great to help mix the powder into my water. 
4. Waist Trimmer “Fat Belt”
Before I tell you why I love this product so much I want to clarify that this is not the same as a waist trainer that I am sure you all have seen that the Kardashians wear… haha. I wear what I call a “fat belt” almost every time I go to the gym especially on cardio days. I love the way that it makes my posture better and makes my stomach sweat a lot more than usual. This is something that is sold at sporting goods stores but I can always find them at TJ MAXX also. (I’m all about a better deal; and who doesn’t love TJ MAXX)

 5. Good Positive Attitude
Out of all 5 of these items this is the most important of them all and it is the only item that is FREE.  I have heard all of my life “attitude is everything” and I really didn’t think anything of it.  Throughout high school I was very active in sports and so being active was something that was a part of my daily routine.  Well now that I am in college it can be very easy for working out to fall out of your daily routine.   Having a good positive attitude is the first step to making and keeping physical activity in your daily routine.  “Attitude is everything.”
