Saturday, January 6, 2018


It can definitely be hard to put down the fork or get out of the stocking over Christmas break; and it seems as if the food and candy just keeps getting better and better...  but luckily this workout can get you back into the swing of things. Try it out for a definite leg burn!!!

1. Goblet squat 
2. Good mornings
3. Weighted step-ups 
4. Weighted calf raises

20 reps
15 reps
10 reps
5 reps
10 reps
15 reps
20 reps 

Do 20 reps of each exercise and then rest a minute or so.  Repeat this process until all (15, 10, 5, etc.) reps are completed!  Try to stay consistent with the amount of weight that you use, but if you have to decrease the weight to ensure all good quality reps then do so!


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